Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:15-3:00
Dana Ward: phone, 723; office, 304
John Farnan: phone, 773; office, 324

The political science discipline is divided into three broad categories: Political theory, comparative politics, and international relations. The three fields are not sharply divided, and there is often overlap between fields (most commonly between political theory and the other two fields). In general, philosophical and theoretical issues are covered in theory courses. In comparative courses the focus is on the internal politics of a country or set of countries. In contrast, courses on international relations focus on politics among nations or international organizations. This course takes an international perspective. We will be examining how various nations and organizations interact to address a broad array of social problems. Some of the problems covered are the following: poverty, political and economic stratification, war and violence, migration, population growth, ecology, censorship, nuclear proliferation, human rights, ethnic and gender conflicts, transitions to democracy, and labor relations. Generally, each week will focus on a different problem, although some issues will take longer to cover.

In studying each problem, we will focus on how governments address the problem, how ordinary citizens and citizen groups deal with the problem, and how international organizations have organized (or failed to organize) to confront the problem. You will be asked to analyze governments', citizens' and organizations' efforts to solve these problems. You will also be asked to reflect on how these efforts might be improved. To do so, you may have to employ various theoretical perspectives on governing, decision-making, and citizen participation. You may also have to make comparisons among nations, but you should always remember that the main focus should be on international cooperation or conflict in dealing with the problems.

This class probably will not be like any class you took during the first year. The goal in this class is not to learn English. The primary goal is to learn how to use political science tools in order to examine international social problems. Using English in pursuit of that goal is of course necessary, particularly since I do not speak Japanese, but English is not the only language you can use to learn about these problems. To do your research for the required papers and to prepare for class discussion, you may use any language. In class and for all written work, only English may be used. If you quote from a source in a language other than English, you must translate both the quotation and the citation.


1. Papers

You will be expected to write three research papers. One paper will be due on each of the following dates: May 19, June 23, July 24. Drafts of each paper are due two weeks in advance. Each paper should be between five and seven pages. Topics for each paper must be approved one month before the paper is due, which means you must select your first paper topic immediately. The papers must analyze, not describe, a problem, and the issue must be thoroughly researched. Each paper must have an argument (take a point of view) concerning the problem studied. You must document your sources, and therefore must learn proper bibliographic techniques. All papers must be typed on a computer so that drafts can be edited and re-written. If typing is difficult for you, there is a typing tutor available in the computer lab called "Mavis Beacon". If you cannot type at least thirty words per minute, you should practice on the tutor until you can raise your speed. Everyone should work hard during the first few weeks of the semester to raise your typing speed.

2. Weekly Reading Log

You are required to turn in a weekly reading log. The log should list all the materials you have read during the week. Each reading should be cited using APA format. for this course, and each article or section of a book should be characterized in at least a sentence or two. The more elaborate you are in your log, the easier it will be to write the papers. As a rough guide, you should be reading a minimum of two hours for each content hour of class time. If you are a serious student, of course, more than two hours per content hour will be necessary to explore a topic to your satisfaction. A very good tool for your reading log is the "electronic reading rooms search tool which you can find my clicking here.

3. Required Readings

A list of required readings for the course will be sent to you via email as soon as you send me an email message requesting the reading list. Anyone who has not requested the reading list and printed out a copy to bring to the next class will not be admitted to class. For fun, first try contacting me at Pitzer. My email address at Pitzer College is The message will automatically be forwarded to me here. You should only contact me through Pitzer the first time. For those of you new to email, this is to show you that you can communicate in a flash with anyone in the world hooked up to the internet. After the first message via Pitzer, only email me through the campus network. To send me a message from any MIC computer you simply have to type DWARD in the "TO" box when you get the "New Message" window. The message will go directly to my computer rather than being bounced back and forth across the Pacific. Again, after the first message via Pitzer, please use only the direct email link.

4. E-Mail Mates

During the semester, you will be required to establish an e-mail relationship with three different students (one for each research paper) from my class on Comparative Political Issues. That class covers many similar issues from a comparative, instead of an international, point of view. The purpose of the e-mail relationship is to discuss the topics of your papers, and learn how to carry on a simultaneous computer discussion (open MACAPPS, click on "Internet Software", then on "Talk" to open the simultaneous session). Therefore, you must find someone doing research on the same or similar issues and discuss the topic via e-mail or "Talk" at least once a week. You must forward your discussion to me so I can give you credit for this section of the course. As the semester progresses, I will give you advice on where to find information about your topics over the internet.

5. Internews Subscriptions

You are also required to subscribe (it's free) to the appropriate bulletin boards on "internews", the interface for reading USENET. We will go over how to subscribe in class. Each week, you must forward at least one article you have read on a bulletin board dealing with your paper topic. Of course, you can use these articles for your research paper and for your reading log.

6. Quizzes

There will be several "pop" quizzes covering readings and lectures during the period between quizzes.


Seventy-five percent of the content grade is based on the three papers.

Twenty-five percent of the grade is based on the other assignments.

7. English Language Component

In the language component of International Social Problems students will continue to develop proficiency in the English language. Short academic readings, vocabulary development skills, writing exercises and listening/speaking communication activities will be covered. Critical thinking abilities will be challenged and developed through researching a problem or issue.

Language Acquisition Objectives

In addition to the Content course objectives students will do work in some of the following areas of the Knowledge Framework:

Classification & Description
Principles & Sequence
Evaluation & Choice

Specific thinking skills to be covered: (random order):

Generalizing about Descriptions

Comparing--dealing with likenesses & similarities
Contrasting--dealing with differences & dissimilarities


Relating Cause and Effect/Result
If . . . then
Formulating Theories


Ordering Chronologically
Narrating -- talking about events, speculating, remembering, imagining 'What if . . ..'


Formulating Policy


Forming Personal Opinions -- agreeing and disagreeing,
discussing -- arguing and persuading
Making Decisions
Solving Problems
Detecting Problems
Proposing Alternatives


A. Conversation techniques -- starting, ending, hesitating, preventing
interruptions and interrupting politely, bringing in other people

B. Asking for information -- question techniques, answering techniques,
getting more information

8. Course Requirements: (As per Content Syllabus.) Please pay particular
attention to the following items on the Content Syllabus since they are also important from the English Adjunct viewpoint:

1. Writing Assignments
2. Weekly Reading Log
3. Required Readings
4. Class Participation (Interactive & Oral Projects)

8. Required Texts

No textbook as such; text to be compiled out of various readings, short articles, other authentic materials and visual materials provided by the instructor. Some reading assignments will be accessed by computer using the Internet.

Study Abroad is coming soon. Good Luck!



April 11: Introduction


April 13: Ronald Dworkin, "A New Map of Censorship",
Index on Censorship, vol. 23, 1/2, 1994, pp. 9-15.
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

Recommended: On Liberty, J.S.Mill

April 18: Mike Godwin, Solo Contendre: Free Speech vs. Sex
Discrimination Online," Internet World, February, 1995 pp. 90-93.
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

Recommended: On Liberty, J.S.Mill.

Human Rights

April 20: "Universal Declaration on Human Rights".
"Human Rights: Universal or Cultural".
"Review of Human Rights in a Pluralist World".
Explore resources on "html" syllabus

Recommended: "Vienna Declaration"

April 25: "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".
Explore resources on "html" syllabus

Recommended: "Vienna Declaration".

April 27: Continue Reading Previous Assignments

May 2: Continue Reading Previous Assignments

Economic Inequality

May 9: Aaron Bernstein, "Inequality--How it Hurts
The Economy", Business Week, 8/15/94.
Explore resources on "html" syllabus

May 11: Nathan Gardels, "Worlds Apart", New Perspectives
Quarterly, Fall 1994, Vol. 11, No. 4.
Explore resources on "html" syllabus

May 16: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

May 18: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

Ethnic & Gender Conflicts

May 23: Richard Kahlenberg, An Affirmative Action That Works:
Class, Not Race, The New Republic, April 3, 1995
Explore resources on "html" syllabus

May 25: Kathrine Dunn,Just as Fierce, Mother Jones, Nov/Dec 1994
Explore resources on "html" syllabus

May 30: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

June 1: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.


June 6: Unz, R., Immigration or the Welfare State,
Policy Review, Fall 1994.
Reading Log: Explore resources on "html" syllabus

June 8:Hollifield, J., "The Migration Challenge: Europe's Crisis in
Historical Perspective", Harvard International Review, Summer 1994.
Reading Log: Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

June 13: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

June 15: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

War, Violence and Aggression

June 20: Leslie Gelb, "Quelling the Teacup Wars,
Foreign Affairs, November/December 1994
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

June 22: Seville Statement on Violence, handed out in class.
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

June 27: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

June 29: Honey I Warped the Kids (TV Violence)
Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

Nuclear Proliferation

July 4: Ballistic Missile Proliferation

July 6: Nuclear Proliferation

Environmental Degradation

July 11: Asia Growth Sacrifices Environment

July 13: Continue Reading Previous Assignments
Explore resources on "html" syllabus.

July 18:

July 20: