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Anarchy and Anarchists.

A history of the red terror and the social revolution in America and Europe.

Copyright, 1889 by Michael J Schaack




The Beginning of Anarcby - The German School of Discontent - The Socialist Future - The Asylum in London - Birth of a Word - Work of the French Revolution - The Conspiracy of Babeuf - Etienne Cabet's Experiment - The Colony in the United States - Settled at Nauvoo - Fourier and his System - The Familistere at Guise - Louis Blanc and the National Work-shops - Proudhon, the Founder of French Anarchy - German Socialism: Its Rise and Development - Rodbertus and his Followers - "Capital," by Karl Marx - The "Bible of the Socialists" - The Red Internationale - Bakounine and his Expulsion from the Society - The New Conspiracy - Ferdinand Lassalle and the Social Democrats - The Birth of a Great Movement - Growth of Discontent - Leaders after Lassalle - The Central Idea of the Revolt - American Methods and the Police Position.

CHAPTER II Part One, Part Two

Dynamite in Politics - Historical Assassinations -Infernal Machines in France -The Inventor of Dynamite - M. Noble and his Ideas - The Nitro-Compounds - How Dynamite is Made - The New French Explosive - "Black jelley" and the Nihilists - What the Nihilists Believe and What they Want - The Conditions in Russia - The White and the Red Terrors - Vera Sassoulitch - Tourgenieff and the Russian Girl VThe Assassination of the Czar - "It is too Soon to Thank God" - The Dying Emperor - Two Bombs Thrown - Running Down the Conspirators - Sophia Perowskaja, the Nihilist Leader - The Handkerchief Signal - The Murder Roll - Tried and Convicted - A Brutal Execution - Five Nihilists Pay the Penalty - Last Words Spoken but Unheard - A Deafening Tattoo - The Book-bomb and the Present Czar - Strychninecoated Bullets - St. Peter and Paul's Fortress - Dynamite Outrages in England - The Record of Crime - Twenty-nine Convicts and their Offenses - Ingenious Bomb-making - The Failures of Dynamite.


The Exodus to Chicago - Waiting for an Opportunity - A Political Party Formed - A Question of $6oo,ooo - The First Socialist Platform -Details of the Organization - Work at the Ballot-Box - Statistics of Socialist Progress - The "International Workingmen's Party" and The "Workingmen's Party of the United States" - The Eleven Commandments of Labor - How the Work was to be Done - A Curious Constitution - Beginnings of the Labor Press - The Union Congress - Criticising the Ballot-Box - The Executive Committee and its Powers - Annals of 1876 - A Period of Preparation - The Great Railroad Strikes of 1877 - The First Attack on Society - A Decisive Defeat - Trying Politics Again - The "Socialistic Party" - Its Leaders and its Aims - August Spies as an Editor - Buying the Arbeiler-Zeitung - How the Money was Raised - Anarchist Campaign Songs - The Group Organization - Plan of the Propaganda - Dynamite First Taught - "The Bureau of Information" - An Attack on Arbitration - No Compromise with Capital - Unity of the Internationalists and the Socialists.


Socialism, Theoretic and Practical - Statements of the Leaders - Vengeance on the "Spitzels" - The Black Flag in the Streets - Resolutions in the Alarm - The Board of Trade Procession - Why it Failed - Experts on Anarchy - Parsons, Spies, Schwab and Fielden Outline their Belief - The International Platform - Why Communism Must Fail - A French Experiment and its Lesson - The Law of Averages - Extracts from the Anarchistic Press - Preaching Murder - Dynamite or the Ballot-Box? - "The Reaction in America" - Plans for Street Fighting - Riot Drill and Tactics - Bakounine and the Social Revolution - Twenty-one Statements of an Anarchist's Duty - Herways' Formula - Predicting the Haymarket - The Lehr und Wehr Verein and the Supreme Court - The White Terror and the Red - Reinsdorf, the Father of Anarchy - His Association with Hoedel and Nobiling - Attempt to Assassinate the German Emperor - Reinsdorf at Berlin - His Desperate Plan - "Old Lehmann" and the Socialist's Dagger - The Germania Monument - An Attempt to Kill the Whole Court - A Culvert Full of Dynamite - A Wet Fuse and no Explosion - Reinsdorf Condemned to Death - His Last Letters - Chicago Students of his Teachings - De Tocqueville and Social.


The Socialistic Programme - Figltting a Compromise - Opposition to the Eight-hour Movement - The Memorial to Congress - Eight Hours' Work Enough - The Anarchist Position - An Alarm Editorial - "Capitalists and Wage Slaves" - Parsons' Ideas - The Anarchists and the Knights of Labor - Powderly's Warning - Working up a Riot - The Effect of Labor-saving Machinery - Views of Edison and Wells - The Socialistic Demonstration - The Procession of April 25, 1886 - How the Arbeiter-Zeitung Helped on the Crisis - The Secret Circular of 1886.


The Eight-hour Movement - Anarchist Activity - The Lock-out at McCormick's - Distorting the Facts - A Socialist Lie - The True Facts about McCormick's - Who Shall Run the Shops? - Abusing the "Scabs" - High Wages for Cheap Work - The Union Loses $3,ooo a Day - Preparing for Trouble - Arming the Anarchists - Ammunition Depots - Pistols and Dynamite - Threatening the Police - The Conspirators Show the White Feather - Capt. O'Donnell's Magnificent Police Work - The Revolution Blocked - A Foreign Reservation - An Attempt to Mob the Police - The History of the First Secret Meeting - Lingg's First Appearance in the Conspiracy - The Captured Documents - Bloodshed at McCormick's - "The Battle Was Lost" - Officer Casey's Narrow Escape.


The Coup d'Etat a Miscarriage - Effect of the Anarchist Failure at McCormick's - "Revenge" - Text of the Famous Circular - The German Version - An Incitement to Murder - Bringing on a Conflict - Engel's Diabolcal Plan - The Role of the Lehr und Wehr Verein - The Gathering of the Armed Groups - Fischer's Sanguinary Talk - The Signal for Murder - "Ruhe" and its Meaning-Keeping Clear of the Mouse-Trap - The Haymarket Selected - Its Advantages for Revolutionary War - The Call for the Murder Meeting - "Workingmen, Arm Yourselves" - Preparing the Dynamite - The Arbeiter-Zeitung Arsenal - The Assassins' Roost at 58 Clybourn Avenue - The Projected Attack on the Police Stations - Bombs for All who Wished Them - Waiting for the Word of Command - Why it was not Given - The Leaders' Courage Fails.


The Air Full of Rumors - A Riot Feared - Police Preparations - Bonfield in Command - The Haymarket - Strategic Value of the Anarchists' Position Crane's Alley - The Theory of Street Warfare - Inflaming the Mob - Schnaubelt and his Bomb - "Throttle the Law " - The Limit of Patience Reached - "In the Name of the People, Disperse" - The Signal Given - The Crash of Dynamite First Heard on an American Street - Murder in the Air - A Rally and a Charge - The Anarchists Swept Away - A Battle Worthy of Veterans.


The Dead and the Wounded - Moans of Anguish in the Police Station - Caring for Friend and Foe - Counting the Cost - A City's Sympathy - The Death List - Sketches of the Men - The Doctors' Work - Dynamite Havoc - Veterans of the Haymarket - A Roll of Honor - The Anarchist Loss - Guesses at their Dead - Concealing Wounded Rioters - The Explosion a Failure - Disappointment of the Terrorists.


The Core of the Conspiracy - Search of the Arbeiter-Zeitung Office - The Captured Manuscript - Jealousies in the Police Department - The Case Threatened with Failure - Stupidity at the Central Office - Fischer Brought in - Rotten Detective Work - The Arrest of Spies -- His Egregious Vanity - An Anarchist "Ladies' Man" - Wine Suppers with the Actresses - Nina Van Zandt's Antecedents - Her Romantic Connection with the Case - Fashionable Toilets - Did Spies Really Love Her? - His Curious Conduct - The Proxy Marriage - The End of the Romance - The Other Conspirators - Mrs. Parsons' Origin - The Bomb-Thrower in Custody - The Assassin Kicked Out of the Chief's Office - Schnaubelt and the Detectives - Suspicious Conduct at Headquarters - Schnaubelt Ordered to Keep Away From the City Hall - An Amazing Incident - A Friendly Tip to a Murderer - My impressions of the Schnaubelt Episode - Balthasar Rau and Mr. Furthmann - Phantom Shackles in a Pullman - Experiments with Dynamite - An Explosive Dangerous to Friend and Foe - Testing the Bombs - Fielden and the Chief.


My Connection with the Anarchist Cases - A Scene at the Central Office - Mr. Hanssen's Discovery - Politics and Detective Work - jealousy Against inspector Bonfield - Dynamiters on Exhibition - Courtesies to the Prize-fighters - A Friendly Tip - My First Light on the Case - A Promise of Confidence - One Night's Work - The Chief Agrees to my Taking up the Case - Laying Our Plans - "We Have Founa tha Bomb Factory!" - Is it a Trap? - A Patrol-wagon Full of Dynamite - No Help Hoped for from Headquarters - Conference with State's Attorney Grinnell - Furthmann's Work - Opening up the Plot - Trouble with the Newspaper Men - Unexpected Advantage of Hostile Criticism - Information from Unexpected Quarters - Queer Episodes of the Hunt - Clues Good, Bad and Indifferent - A Mysterious Lady with a Veil - A Conference in my Bark Yard - The Anarchists Alarmed - A Breezy Conference with Ebersold - Threatening Letters - Menaces Sent to the Wives of the Men Working on the Case - How the Ladies Behaved - The judge and Mrs. Gary - Detectives on Each Other's Trail -The Humors of the Case - Amusing Incidents.


Tracking the Conspirators - Female Anarchists - A Bevy of Beauties - Petticoated Ugliness - The Breathless Messenger - A Detective's Danger - Turning the Tables - "That Man is a Detective!" - A Close Call - Gaining Revolutionists' Confidence - Vouched for by the Conspirators - Speech-making Extraordinary - The Hiding-place in the Anarchists' Hall - Betrayed by a Woman - The Assassination of Detective Brown at Cedar Lake - Saloon-keepers and the Revolution - "Anarchists for Revenue Only" - Another Murder Plot - The Peep-hole Found - Hunting for Detectives - Some Amusing Ruses of the Revolutionists - A Collector of "Red" Literature and his Dangerous Bonfire - Ebersold's Vacation - Threatening the jury - Measures Taken for their Protection - Grinnell's Danger - A "Bad Man" in Court - The Find at the Arbeiter-Zeitung Office - Schnaubelt's Impudent Letter - Captured Correspondence - The Anarchists' Complete Letter-writer.


The Difficulties of Detection - Moving on the Enemy - A Hebrew Anarchist - Oppenheimer's Story - Dancing over Dynamite - Twenty-Five Dollars' Worth of Practical Socialism - A Woman's Work - How Mrs. Seliger Saved the North Side - A Well-merited Tribute - Seliger Saved by his Wife - The Shadow of the Hangman's Rope - A Hunt for a Witness - Shadowing a Hack - The Commune Celebration - Fixing Lingg's Guilt - Preparing the Infernal Machines - A Boy Conspirator - Lingg's Youthful Friend - Anarchy in the Blood - How John Thielen was Taken into Camp - His Curious Confession - Other Arrests.


Completing the Case - Looking for Lingg -The Bomb-maker's Birth - Was he of Royal Blood? - A Romantic Family History - Lingg and his Mother - Captured Correspondence - A Desperate and Dangerous Character - Lingg Disappears - A Faint Trail Found - Looking for Express Wagon 1999 - The Number that Cost the Fugitive his Life - A Desperado at Bay - Schuettler's Death Grapple - Lingg in the Shackles - His Statement at the Station - The Transfer to the jail - Lingg's Love for Children - The Identity of his Sweetheart - An Interview with Hubner - His Confession - The Meeting at Neff's Place.


Engel in the Toils - His Character and Rough Eloquence - Facing his Accusers - Waller's Confession - The Work of the Lehr und Wehr Verein - A Dangerous Organization -The Romance of Conspiracy - Organization of the Armed Sections - Plans and Purposes - Rifles Bought in St. Louis - The Picnics at Sheffield - A Dynamite Drill - The Attack on McCormick's - A Frightened Anarchist - Lehman in the Calaboose - Information from many Quarters - The Cost of Revolvers - Lorenz Hermann's Story - Some Expert Lying.


Pushing the Anarchists - A Scene on a Street-car - How Hermann Muntzenberg Gave Himself Away -The Secret Signal - "D--n the Informers" - A Satchelful of Bombs - More about Engel's Murderous Plan - Drilling the Lehr und Wehr Verein - Breitenfeld's Cowardice - An Anarchist Judas - The Hagemans - Dynamite in Gas-pipe - An Admirer of Lingg - A Scheme to Remove the Author -The Hospitalities of the Police Station - Mrs. Jebolinski's Indignation - A Bogus Milkman - An Unwilling Visitor - Mistaken for a Detective - An Eccentric Prisoner - Division of Labor at the Dynamite Factory - Clermont's Dilemma - The Arrangements for the Haymarket.


Fluttering the Anarchist Dove-cote - Confessions by Piecemeal - Statements from the Small Fry - One of Schnaubelt's Friends - "Some One Wants to Hang Me" - Neebe's Bloodthirsty Threats - Burrowing in the Dark - The Starved out Cut-throat - Torturing a Woman - Hopes of Habeas Corpus - "Little" Krueger's Work - Planning a Rescue - The Signal " ? ? ? " and its Meaning - A Red-haired Man's Story - Firing the Socialist Heart - Meetings with Locked Doors - An Ambush for the Police - The Red Flag Episode - Beer and Philosophy - Baum's Wife and Baby - A Wife-beating Revolutionist - Brother Eppinger's Duties.


The Plot against the Police - Anarchist Banners and Emblems - Stealing a Captured Flag - A Mystery at a Station-house - Finding the Fire Cans - Their Construction and Use -Imitating the Parisian Petroleuses - Glass Bombs - Putting the Women Forward - Cans and Bombs Still Hidden Among the Bohemians - Testing the Infernal Machines - The Effects of Anarchy - The Moral to be Drawn - Looking for Labor Sympathy - A Crazy Scheme - Gatling Gun vs. Dynamite - The Threatened Attack on the Station-houses - Watching the Third Window - Selecting a Weapon - Planning Murder - The Test of Would-be Assassins - The Meeting at Lincoln Park - Peril of the Hinman Street Station-house - A Fortunate Escape.


The Legal Battle - The Beginning of Proceedings in Court - Work in the Grand jury Room - The Circulation of Anarchistic Literature - A Witness who was not Positive - Side Lights on the Testimony - The Indictments Returned - Selectinga jury - Sketches of the jurymen - Ready for the Struggle.


Judge Grinnell's Opening - Statement of the Case - The Light of the 4th of May - The Dynamite Argument - Spies' Fatal Prophecy - The Eight-hour Strike The Growth of the Conspiracy - Spies' Cowardice at McCormick's - The "Revenge" Circular - Work of the Arbeiter-Zeitung and the Alarm- The Secret Signal - A Frightful Plan - "Ruhe" - Lingg, the Bomb-maker - The Haymarket Conspiracy - The Meeting - "We are Peaceable" - After the Murder - The Complete Case Presented.


The Great Trial Opens - Bonfield's History of the Massacre - How the Bomb Exploded - Dynamite in the Air - A Thrilling Story - Gottfried Waller's Testimony - An Anarchist's "Squeal" - The Murder Conspiracy Made Manifest by Many Witnesses.


"We are Peaceable" - Capt. Ward's Memories of the Massacre - A Nest of Anarchists - Scenes in the Court - Seliger's Revelations - Lingg, the Bomb-maker - How he cast his Shells - A Dynamite Romance - Inside History of the Conspiracy - The Shadow of the Gallows - Mrs. Seliger and the Anarchists - Tightening the Coils - An Explosive Arsenal - The Schnaubelt Blunder - Harry Wilkinson and Spies - A Threat in Toothpicks - The Bomb Factory - The Board of Trade Demon - stration.


A Pinkerton Operative's Adventures - How the Leading Anarchists Vouched for a Detective - An Interesting Scene - An Enemy in the Camp - Getting into the Armed Group - No. 16's Experience - Paul Hull and the Dynamite Bomb - A Safe Corner Where the Bullets were Thick - A Revolver Tattoo - "Shoot the Devils" - A Reformed Internationalist.


Reporting under Difficulties- Shorthand in an Overcoat Pocket - An Incriminating Conversation - Spies and Schwab in Danger - Gilmer's Story - The Man in the Alley - Schnaubelt the Bomb-thrower - Fixing the Guilt - Spies Lit the Fuse - A Searching Cross-Examination - The Anarchists Alarmed - Engel and the Shell Machine - The Find at Lingg's House - The Author on the Witness-stand - Talks with the Prisoners - Dynamite Experiments -The False Bottom of Lingg's Trunk - The Material in the Shells - Expert Testimony - Incendiary Banners - The Prosecution Rests - A Fruitless Attempt to have Neebe Discharged.


The Programme of the Defense - Mayor Harrison's Memories - Simonson's Story - A Graphic Account - A Bird's-eye View of Dynamite - Ferguson and the Bomb - "As Big as a Base Ball" - The Defense Theory of the Riot - Claiming the Police were the Aggressors - Dr. Taylor and the Bullet-marks - The Attack on Gilmer's Veracity - Varying Testimony - The Witnesses who Appeared.


Malkoff's Testimony - A Nihilist's Correspondence - More about the Wagon - Spies' Brother - A Witness who Contradicts Himself - Printing the Revenge Circular - Lizzie Holmes' Inflammatory Essay - "Have You a Match About You?" - The Prisoner Fielden Takes the Stand - An Anarchist's Autobiography - The Red Flag the Symbol of Freedom - The "Peaceable" Meeting - Fielden's Opinion of the Alarm - "Throttling the Law"- Expecting Arrest - More about Gilmer.


The Close of the Defense - Working on the jury -The Man who Threw the Bomb - Conflicting Testimony - Michael Schwab on the Stand - An Agitator's Adventures - Spies in his Own Defense - The Fight at McCormick's - The Desplaines Street Wagon - Bombs and Beer - The Wilkinson Interview - The Weapon of the Future - Spies the Reporter's Friend - Bad Treatment by Ebersold - The Hocking Valley Letter - Albert R. Parsons in his Own Behalf - His Memories of the Haymarket - The Evidence in Rebuttal.


Opening of the Argument - Mr. Walker's Speech - The Law of the Case - Was there a Conspiracy? - The Caliber of the Bullets - Tightening the Chain - A Propaganda on the Witness-stand - The Eight-hour Movement - "One Single Bomb" - The Cry of the Rdvolutionist - Avoiding the Mouse-trap - Parsons and the Murder - Studying "Revolutionary War" - Lingg and his Bomb Factory - The Alibi Idea.


The Argument for the Defendants - "Newspaper Evidence" - Bringing about the Social Revolution - Arson and Murder - The Right to Property - Evolution or Revolution - Dynamite as an Argument -The Arsenal at 107 Fifth Avenue - Was it all Braggadocio? - An Open Conspiracy - Secrets that were not Secrets -The Case Against the State's Attorney - A Good Word for Lingg - More About "Ruhe" - The "Alleged" Conspiracy - Ingham's Answer - The Freiheit Articles - Lord Coleridge on Anarchy - Did Fielden Shoot at the Police? - The Bombs in the Seliger Family - Circumstantial Evidence in Metal - Chemical Analysis of the Czar Bomb - The Crane's Alley Enigma.


Foster and Black before the jury - Making Anarchist History - The Eight Leaders - A Skillful Defense - Alibis All Around - The Whereabouts of the Conspirators - The "Peaceable Dispersion" - A Miscarriage of Revolutionary War - Average Anarchist Credibility - "A Man will Lie to Save his Life" - The Attack on Seliger - The Candy-man and the Bomb-thrower - Conflicting Testimony - A Philippic against Gilmer - The Liars of History - The Search for a Witness - The Man with the Missing Link - The Last Word for the Prisoners - Captain Black's Theory - High Explosives and Civilization - The West Lake Street Meeting - Defensive Armament - Engel and his Beer - Hiding the Bombs - The Right of Revolution - Bonfield and Harrison - The Socialist of Judea.


Grinnell's Closing Argument - One Step from Republicanism to Anarchy - A Fair Trial - The Law in the Case - The Detective Work - Gilmer and his Evidence - "We Knew all the Facts" - Treason and Murder - Arming the Anarchists - The Toy Shop Purchases - The Pinkerton Reports - "A Lot of Snakes" - The Meaning of the Black Flag - Symbols of the Social Revolution - The Daily News Interviews - Spies the "Second Washington" - The Rights of "Scabs" - The Chase Into the River - Inflaming the Workingmen - The "Revenge" Lie - The Meeting at the Arbeiter-Zeitun Office - A Curious Fact about the Speakers at the Haymarket - The Invitation to Spies - Balthasar Rau and the Prisoners - Harrison at the Haymarket - The Significance of Fielden's Wound - Witnesses' Inconsistencies - The Omnipresent Parsons - The Meaning of the Manuscript Find - Standing between the Living and the Dead.


The Instructions to the jury - What Murder is - Free Speech and its Abuse - The Theory of Conspiracy - Value of Circumstantial Evidence - Meaning of a :' Reasonable Doubt" - What a jury May Decide - Waiting for the Verdict - Guilty of Murder" - The Death Penalty Adjudged - Neebe's Good Luck - Motion for a New Trial - Affidavits about the Jury - The Motion Overruled.


The Last Scene in Court - Reasons Against the Death Sentence - Spies' Speech - A Heinous Conspiracy to Commit Murder - Death for the Truth - The Anarchists' Final Defense - Dying for Labor - The Conflict of the Classes - Not Guilty, but Scapegoats - Michael Schwab's Appeal - The Curse of Labor-saving Machinery - Neebe Finds Out what Law Is - "I am Sorry I am not to be Hung" - Adolph Fischer's Last Words - Louis Lingg in his own Behalf - "Convicted, not of Murder, but of Anarchy" - An Attack on the Police - "I Despise your Order, your Laws, your Forcepropped Authority. Hang me for it!" - George Engel's Unconcern - The Development of Anarchy - "I Hate and Combat, not the Individual Capitalist, but the System" - Samuel Fielden and the Haymarket - An Illegal Arrest - The Defense of Albert R. Parsons - The History of his Life - A Long and Thrilling Speech - The Sentence of Death - "Remove the Prisoners".


In the Supreme Court - A Supersedeas Secured - Justice Magruder Delivers the Opinion - A Comprehensive Statement of the Case - How Dcgan was Murdered - Who Killed Him? - The Law of Accessory - The Meaning of the Statute - Were the Defendants Accessories? - The Questions at Issue - The Characteristics of the Bomb - Fastening the Guilt on Lingg - The Purposes of the Conspiracy - How they were Proved - A Damning Array of Evidence - Examining the Instructions - No Error Found in the Trial Court's Work - The Objection to the jury - The Juror Sandford - Judge Gary Sustained - Mr. Justice Mulkey's Remarks - The Law Vindicated.


The Last Legal Struggle - The Need of Money - Expensive Counsel Secured - Work of the "Defense Committee" - Pardon, the Only Hope - Pleas for Mercy to Gov. Oglesby - Curious Changes of Sentiment - Spies' Remarkable Offer - Lingg's Horrible Death - Bombs in the Starch-box - An Accidental Discovery - My own Theory - Description of the "Suicide Bombs" - Meaning of the Short Fuse - "Count Four and Throw" - Details of Lingg's Self-murder - A Human Wreck - The Bloody Record in the Cell - The Governor's Decision - Fielden and Schwab Taken to the Penitentiary.


The Last Hours of the Doomed Men - Planning a Rescue - The Feeling in Chicago - Police Precautions - Looking for a Leak - Vitriol for a Detective - Guarding the jail - The Dread of Dynamite - How the Anarchists Passed their Last Night - The Final Partings - Parsons Sings "Annie Laurie" - Putting up the Gallows - Scenes Outside the Prison - A Cordon of Officers - Mrs. Parsons Makes a Scene - The Death Warrants - Courage of the Condemned - Shackled and Shrouded for the Grave - The March to the Scaff old - Under the Dangling Ropes - The Last Words - "Hoch die Anarcilie!" - "My Silence will be More Terrible than Speech" - Let the Voice of the People be Heard" - The Chute to Death - Preparations for the Funeral - Scenes at the Homes of the Dead Anarchists - The Passage to Waldheim - Howell Trogden Carries the American Flag - Captain Black's Eulogy - The Burial - Speeches by Grottkau and Currlin - Was Engel Sincere? - His Advice to his Daughter - A Curious Episode - Adolph Fischer and his Death-watch.


Anarchy Now - The Fund for the Condemned Men's Families - $1o,ooo Subscribed - The Disposition of the Money - The Festival of Sorrow - Parsons' Posthumous Letter - The Haymarket Monument - Present Strength of the Discontented - 7,3oo Revolutionists in Chicago - A Nucleus of Desperate Men -The New Organization - Building Societies and Sunday-schooIs - What the Children are Taught - Education and Blasphemy - The Secret Propaganda - Bodendick and his Adventures - "The Rebel Vagabond" - The Plot to Murder Grinnell, Gary and Bonfield - Arrest of the Conspirators Hronek, Capek, Sevic and Chleboun - Chleboun's Story - Hronek Sent to the Penitentiary.


The Movement in Europe - Present Plans of the Reds - Stringent Measures Adopted by Various European Governments - Bebel and Liebknecht - A London Celebration - Whitechapel Outcasts - "Blood, Blood, Blood!" - Verestchagin's Views - The Bulwarks of Society - The Condition of Anarchy in New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and other American Cities - A New Era of Revolutionary Activity - A Fight to the Death -- Are we Prepared?



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